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Feb 8, 2013


The National Employers Association of South Africa deems comments by Cosatu in the Western Cape with regard to farmers irresponsible and insensitive. NEASA took note of news reports that Cosatu’s Secretary General in the Western Cape, Tony Ehrenreich said the labour federation would be co-ordinating “the mother of all strikes against bad farmers” later in the year, should no agreement be reached on a better daily wage, decent farm conditions and a comprehensive land reform plan.


‘It’s irresponsible for an organisation of that stature to refer to farmers who might be struggling financially due to the current economic situation as bad farmers. They are still employers who are responsible for a large portion of employment in the Western Cape.’ says NEASA CEO, Gerhard Papenfus.  


‘To drive a wedge  between farmers and their workers might serve a short term political agenda, however in the long run it won’t serve the interests of any of the roleplayers,’  he said.


NEASA has welcomed the announcement that the farms strikes in the Western Cape have been called off. However, we are of the opinion that the matter will not be resolved overnight. 


‘The problems and challenges surrounding this matter are deep rooted. Quick fixes will only worsen the problem,’ says Papenfus.


NEASA believes the Minister of Labour will need courage and ample political will in establishing a balanced new wage determination for this sector. 


‘A balanced wage determination will improve employment conditions for workers without compromising on job creation and job retention in the farming sector,’ Papenfus said.


For more information please contact:


Gerhard Papenfus

082 557 2724


NEASA – Established in 1996, the National Employers Association of South Africa is the country’s largest employers’ association registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act. NEASA’s services include collective bargaining, IR services and specialized legal representation at all dispute resolution forums.


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