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Take control over how some of your tax money is being spent.

Jun 9, 2022



(This initiative was launched by NEASA in October 2021)

Dear employer
South Africa’s official unemployment rate is at a staggering 35%, with the worst affected being those between 15 to 24 years at 64%, as reflected by the latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS).

According to the Treasury budget review tabled in February this year, R24,8bn of revenue collected has been allocated to job creation. Despite this allocation, the unemployment rate in South Africa has reached unprecedented heights. This phenomenon underscores the principle that it is not Government’s function to create jobs and the jobs that they allegedly create are not sustainable and normally limited to short-term public works programs. The true function of Government is to create an economic environment wherein the private sector is empowered to grow the economy and thereby create jobs.


What if your tax money can be spent on doing something meaningful in your community?
You can take control by allocating some of your company’s taxes payable and put it to good use. Instead of paying it to SARS, you can stimulate entrepreneurship in your local community by supporting a learnership and training program via a mobile, SETA-approved trading and training platform.

How, do you ask?
In cooperation with a specialist partner, NEASA offers a sustainable, tax-beneficial solution. This benefits both employers and the unemployed youth and ensures the appropriate application of taxes available to profitable businesses. This solution provides for the following: 

  • creating an opportunity for unemployed youth (SA Citizens between the ages of 18 and 28 with at least a Grade 10 certificate) in your community to become self-sufficient by creating and growing their own businesses;
  • an end-to-end managed learnership provided by experienced service providers who will manage all aspects of the learnership from start to finish;
  • empowering unemployed individuals to earn a monthly income by means of a stipend, as well as receiving seed-capital;
  • your company’s learnership tax rebate will finance this initiative over a 12-month period. This will also boost your social responsibility spend at the same time; and

these learnerships count towards various elements on the BBBEE-scorecard.

This initiative is SETA- and Treasury approved.


This is an opportunity that no business who wants to improve South Africa’s current socio-economic profile, can afford to miss.

Should you wish to participate in this program, please click here.

For more information:
NEASA Media Department 


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