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Stop Payment Of Admin- And Dispute Levies
Dear Industry Employer
The Registration and Administration Expenses Agreement of the MEIBC expired on 30 June 2016 and has, to date, not been re-extended to non-parties.
This Agreement (when enforceable) obligates employers to deduct Administration- and Dispute levies from employees on a weekly basis and pay these monies and the matching employer contribution over to the Council.
The expiry of the Agreement has freed employers, who are not members of a SEIFSA affiliated organisation, from this obligation. In fact, any deductions made by non-party employers from the wages of employees in this regard will be unlawful and will expose employers to legal action by their employees.
Despite this, and numerous correspondence by NEASA in this regard, some non-party employers continue to make these deductions and payments.
The MEIBC finds itself in a very difficult financial situation and employers who are faced with claims from employees for repayment of these unlawfully deducted levies, might find it impossible to reclaim these monies from the Council.
We again urge employers, who are not affiliated to a SEIFSA organisation, to refrain from making these deductions and payments as they are unlawful, and request employers who have made payments to the Council in respect of these levies since 1 July 2016 to claim back these levies from the Council. Employers who receive these payments back from the Council are obligated to return their employee's contributions to them.
Employers who require assistance in claiming back their levies may contact angelique@neasa.co.za.
Jaco Swart
National Collective Bargaining Co-ordinator