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Steel Industry: MEIBC - The Year in Review

Dec 19, 2018




Dear Steel Industry employer

This past year was again one in which NEASA, its alliance partners and its members had to face a renewed onslaught by SEIFSA, and its alliance partners, who are hellbent on enforcing their employer adverse agreements on all employers in the Industry.

Despite a new approach deployed by SEIFSA and Co, as a result of numerous court judgements against them, NEASA and its alliance partners have, to date, been able to fend off this fresh onslaught.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our members and to the South African Engineers and Founders’ Association for their invaluable and continued support in this regard.

We have no doubt that 2019 will have its own unique challenges which we will, with the support of our partners, meet head-on.

Kind Regards



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