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STEEL INDUSTRY: Conducting your business with the DUTIES-SWORD hanging over your head (yet another testimony)
Conducting your business
How does the import duties affect your business?
(click here to share your experience)
Below is another testimony from one of our members
Dear Gerhard
I think we need to doff our caps to the Government for endeavouring to protect the South African economy and supporting local business.
After all, local is so lekker and contributes significantly to the economy and unemployment. If only they had steel they could perhaps consider “building a big wall” around Mittal.
And let us not forget what a sterling job they have already done with our once upon a time, thriving world-leading mining sector, agricultural sector, defence force, municipalities, tourism; the list is endless.
Whatever they touch turns to gold or, for those with a vivid imagination at best, brass but sadly the reality is scrap metal! (no pun intended). In their defence, the Government must be somewhat befuddled because they just don’t know which wishing well may empty first? The power or the steel?
If the government are so determined to save the day, collect all the duties you like but pay back the money!!!; employ the correct personnel and give the duties back to Mittal to upgrade their broken antiquated infrastructure.
If they simply collect to protect it begs the question what will they do with all their trophies….. ultimately made from plastic that is?
We are all in this together.
Privileged and challenged to be South African.