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STEEL INDUSTRY: Conducting your business with the DUTIES-SWORD hanging over your head (yet another testimony)
Conducting your business
How does the import duties affect your business?
(click here to share your experience)
Below is another testimony from one of our members
Dear Mr Papenfus
The contentious issue of the Mittal protection has just become more ludicrous!
Not only have we received the “umpteenth” short-notice price increase for the year but subsequent to their assurance letter of sufficient supply on 15 July 2020 they go and declare a force majeure on 24 August 2020.
Notwithstanding the above, they have the audacity to apply for further import protection which they should never have enjoyed in the first place.It is a fact that we are currently experiencing huge stock shortages which have a further negative impact on the downstream manufacturers trying to survive after the Covid-19 shut-down.
At this rate Mittal are bound to demolish the possible existence of the downstream employers.In our particular case we have already reduced staff from around 120 members to 30.
Thank you for the continued fight on our behalf but, Government should now be forced into drastic short-term action!
We are all in this together.
Privileged and challenged to be South African.