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Metal Industry: A struggle of right vs wrong

Dec 4, 2014


Sorry, I forgot to tell you…

Dear Metal Industry Employer

The meeting of the MEIBC which made the decision to request the Minister of Labour to extend the July 2014 Seifsa/trade union agreement to non-parties was unconstitutional on all counts – and this is an understatement. There was just nothing right with the whole process. It was messy, manipulated and unrighteous.
On 14 November 2014 during argument of NEASA’s urgent application to stop the MEIBC from even requesting the Minister to extend the unconstitutionally manufactured Industry settlement agreement, it was the MEIBC's argument (their main if not only argument) that any committee of the MEIBC who considers a decision to extend an agreement to non-parties does not have to comply with the MEIBC's constitution.
'But this is impossible; that can never be the case!', you might say. I agree. The fact is we lost! NEASA's urgent application was dismissed. It is this judgement which we now appeal on an urgent basis.

What is transpiring in the Metal Industry is a struggle of right vs wrong; light vs darkness; a free market economy vs the tripartite alliance of monopoly capitalism, crony capitalism and socialism.
In this struggle there is no middle ground; neutrality is impossible. You cannot sit on the fence any longer. If you are not actively on the side of what is right, you are on the side of what is wrong; if you cannot make up your mind, the weight of your influence is by implication on the side of that which is wrong.
Always be resolute!

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke


Gerhard Papenfus


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