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MEIBC: State Capture versus Steel Capture
is a microcosm of events unfolding in South Africa
State Capture:
• there is the Zuma/Gupta drive to capture the state’s resources;
• they have caused almost irreparable harm to South Africa;
• the Zuma/Gupta initiative is gradually coming to its foregone conclusion: currently ‘gradually’, but imminently ‘suddenly’ – a narrative often used by Alec Hogg;
• in the ‘gradual’ phase South Africans are hugely frustrated – when will the end come? – they ask; the end is inevitable though – the outcome is governed by the law determining the final outcome of all unrighteousness; it’s only the ‘when’ which is uncertain;
• as one of its last convulsions it is positioning itself to perform its most daring act of capture – the nuclear deal;
• this venture will not prosper; for the state capturers even attempting this, it will probably be the proverbial last straw.
• There are strong role players resisting state capture. Wherever we can, we must give them our full support.
Steel Capture:
• there is Seifsa and their co-conspirators – Numsa, the Meibc and the Department of Labour, exerting unlawful control over the Industry for many years;
• between them they have almost brought the Steel Industry to its knees;
• this cartel is performing its swansong; not even ‘gradually’ anymore – this years’ Industry negotiations have perhaps brought it to the verge of ‘suddenly’;
• Industry role players are frustrated by the slow pace at which the ‘end’ is coming;
• the end is inevitable though – the outcome is governed by the law determining the final outcome of all unrighteousness; it’s only the ‘when’ that is uncertain;
• as one of its last convulsions it will attempt to perform the impossible – the extension of their 2017 deal with Numsa to non-parties; a deal which they admit is unaffordable even to their own members;
• although this attempt will not prosper, the cartel’s attempt to do so, illustrating the most blatant contempt for SMMEs, will accelerate their demise.
• The fate of the Steel Industry is completely in the hands of Industry employers. Passivity and non-involvement by employers is the reason why this ‘cartel’ still has influence, albeit diminishing. We can, however, once and for all, stop the Industry destructive extension of their Industry hostile agreements.
How can we do this?:
• Employers who have not as yet joined the fight for the soul of the Steel Industry, can do so by clicking here.
• Employers who are already part of NEASA, but who want to be more actively involved in the salvation of the Industry, can do so by clicking here.
• Seifsa-affiliated employers, which realise that their affiliated membership cause them to be accessories to Seifsa’s repeated unlawful conduct, must do the honourable thing and walk away from Seifsa.
Kind regards
Occasionally a man stumbles over the truth. Most dust themselves off and continue walking as though nothing has happened.
Winston Churchill