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24/7 National Hotline: 0860 163 272 | Email:

COVID-19: TERS-Funding/UIF: Daily survey 11/5

May 11, 2020


… navigating through the COVID-19 LOCKDOWN scandal …



11 MAY 2020

According to our survey:

• 11 days after payday, 49.9% of employers still haven’t received their UIF payments; and
• only 38.6% of those who received payment, agree, in general, with the amounts received.

Dear fellow employer

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to each employer who participates in our daily surveys.

Once again, we request that both:

• employers that have applied for TERS funding, and received payment;

as well as

• employers that have applied for funding but, as yet, haven’t received any payment,

participate in this daily survey.

The only manner in which we can determine accurate progress in this regard, is the daily, continued participation of as many employers as possible.

Please click here to complete the new SURVEY

NEASA 24/7 NATIONAL HOTLINE: 086 016 3272






We are all in this together.

Privileged and challenged to be South African.


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