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24/7 National Hotline: 0860 163 272 | Email:

COVID-19: TERS Applications causing massive frustration

Apr 16, 2020





Dear employer

The Covid-19 TERS-funding process continues to be a constant source of frustration for employers.

The process has been marred by incorrect information, incomprehensible instructions and a failure by the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) in terms of service delivery.

The DEL has also issued e-mail correspondence stating that, due to the high volume of applications received via mail, the system is not able to verify if the documents are in the correct format. Employers are therefore advised to confirm that the format is correct and resubmit the application.

The department has now launched an online application portal for employers to utilise, apparently over and above the e-mail process.

This portal can be accessed via or via the DEL website.

It is advisable to submit or resubmit via the online portal as the process is seemingly somewhat more user friendly. It should be noted that this portal is working intermittently and that a number of attempts may be required to submit successfully.

In order to assist employers with the application we have compiled a TOOLKIT which provides guidelines in respect of how the application should be completed and submitted.

We have addressed a letter to the Minister of Employment and Labour to resolve the issues with the application process as a matter of extreme urgency and will keep employers abreast of developments in this regard.

NEASA 24/7 NATIONAL HOTLINE: 086 016 3272









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