24/7 National Hotline: 0860 163 272 | Email: info@neasa.co.za
COVID-19: Survey
Dear employer
COVID-19 is having a dramatic impact on our business community and the economy. As business people we urgently need to start making plans as to how to re-position our enterprises to rejuvenate the economy post-COVID. Now, more than ever, a public-private partnership is needed.
In order to assist Government in developing economic policy proposals, that incorporate the sentiments of business, and particularly the SMME sector, we were requested (by an institution tasked to make public policy input to Government policy and processes) to circulate the enclosed survey.
It will only take a few minutes to do the survey, but it would make a contribution to the policy development efforts needed to steer our country out of its current predicament.
Your participation in the survey is anonymous.
Click here to participate in the survey.
Your participation is highly appreciated.
NEASA 24/7 NATIONAL HOTLINE: 086 016 3272
We are all in this together.
Privileged and challenged to be South African.