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Covid-19 Regulations issued
by Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Dear employer
The Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs issued regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on 18 March 2020.
These regulations, in essence, determine the following:
• All gatherings are prohibited. A gathering is defined as “any assembly, concourse or procession of more than 100 persons, wholly or partially in open air or in a building or premises.” Although this definition is very wide, the intention is seemingly not aimed at workplaces with more than 100 employees but rather at social events.
• The assembly of more than 50 persons at premises where liquor is sold and consumed is prohibited.
• No person who has been confirmed as having COVID-19, or is suspected to have such or who has been in contact with a carrier may refuse consent to an enforcement officer to be medically examined, admitted to a health facility, quarantine or isolation site or submission to preventative measures or treatment.
• The various levels of government must identify and make available isolation sites as required.
• Schools and partial care facilities must be closed by 18 March 2020 until 15 April 2020, which period may be extended.
• All visits to correctional facilities are suspended for 30 days, which may be extended.
• All on-consumption premises selling liquor, including taverns, restaurants, bars and clubs, must be closed with immediate effect, or must accommodate no more than 50 persons at any time: provided that adequate space is available (not more than 1 person per square meter of floor space) and that all directions in terms of hygiene and limitation of exposure to COVID-19 are adhered to.
• All on-consumption premises selling liquor must be closed between 18:00 and 9:00 the next morning on weekdays and Saturdays, and from 13:00 on Sundays and public holidays. It seems that establishments which normally sells liquor but which refrains from doing so after the prescribed hours, may remain open, subject to the remaining regulations.
• All premises selling liquor which provide accommodation must implement measures to stop the spread of COVID-19: provided that adequate space is available (not more than 1 person per square meter of floor space) and that all directions in terms of hygiene and limitation of exposure to COVID-19 are adhered to.
• All off-consumption premises selling liquor must be closed between 18:00 and 9:00 the next morning on weekdays and Saturdays, and from 13:00 on Sundays and public holidays.
• Any person who contravenes these regulations are guilty of an offence and may be subjected to a fine or a maximum prison sentence of 6 months.
Click here for a bilingual version of the regulations.
Employers who are affected by these regulations are advised to contact their regional NEASA office for assistance.
Kind Regards
Jaco Swart
National Manager
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