24/7 National Hotline: 0860 163 272 | Email: info@neasa.co.za

COVID-19: Partial closure of business
Dear employer
The Alert Level 4 regulations have allowed more employers to start operating.
However, due to the severe restrictions still placed on certain activities, some businesses are only allowed to operate at a certain operational capacity, ie 30% or 50%, or may only manufacture or trade in a limited number of products.
Therefore, these businesses are only permitted to operate with a reduced staff complement. It is important to note that the COVID-19 regulations in terms of no-work, no-pay still remain in place for those employees who are not allowed to attend work.
Employers, however, can consider the introduction of a rotational system, as far as practically possible, to allow as many employees as possible to perform some work and to earn an income. However, if that appears to be impractical, employers are not compelled to do so.
A question still remains in respect of employers who are permitted to operate at full capacity, but are unable to do so as it is not feasible under current lockdown regulations. It is unclear whether these employers may keep their employees at home on a no-work, no-pay principle.
The matter is being investigated and we will inform members as soon as clarity has been obtained.
NEASA 24/7 NATIONAL HOTLINE: 086 016 3272
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