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Covid-19 and the ‘Great Reset’: Blindly following Government is not the way to go: The wrong decision will have dire consequences
COVID-19 and the ‘Great Reset’
the wrong decision will have dire consequences
by Gerhard Papenfus
The mandating of vaccines-narrative, driven by Government as a response to Covid-19, is not the result of poor judgement or scientific error. This policy is the result of detailed planning by global actors and was, consequently, right from the outset, presented as the only viable response to the manufactured Covid-19 predicament, and forms an integral part of the ‘Great Reset’ of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Agenda 2030.
Apart from the fact that the blatant push for a ‘new world order’ will eventually impact every aspect of our lives, the issue of mandatory vaccination has a direct impact on the world of work. Although this issue, at least on the surface, currently only prejudices those who refuse to be injected, the impact of forcing employees to subject themselves to this intervention, will at some point severely impact every aspect of the workplace and the business, to the point where it will put the future of business at risk, especially those who opted for the mandatory vaccination option.
Employers need to understand the context in which the global vaccine drive is playing out, and the risk involved in making ‘life-and-death’ decisions in this regard. Simply following the popular narrative, succumbing to pressure, in whatever form, or the defence that you were unaware of the dangers, will not protect the employer when the chips are down, especially when you have forced an employee to take the injection, or risk losing his/her job.
Those that are in favour of the Covid-19 vaccines, base their position on Government’s narrative that:
- based on the ‘science’, vaccines are the absolute and only solution to the Covid-19 predicament;
- that the vaccines are effective and safe; and
- no further discussion on the topic is required, in fact suppressed, regardless of the information to the contrary which fundamentally challenges this narrative.
Those that are opposed to the Covid-19 vaccines, do so on the following grounds:
- that the vaccines do not prevent viral transmission;
- that it does not prevent infection;
- that it statistically does not reduce all-cause hospitalisation or all-cause mortality;
- short-term safety data to date is extremely concerning;
- growing evidence that Covid-19 vaccines have negative effects on the immune system;
- the long-term safety profile and long-term adverse effects, especially from repeated doses and ‘boosters’, are as yet unknown and are a cause for concern; and
- natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is superior to immunity provided by vaccination.
Those on opposite sides of the Covid-19 debate, have strong views on the issue. Some, on the basis of a form of blind trust, simply follow Government’s advice in this regard.
Others do not trust Government and have done extensive independent research and reading on the issue. They also feel very strong about the conclusion they have reached.
In making profound decisions and giving direction in this regard, including the moral implications of forcing employees into certain actions against their will, employers will have to consider the long-term consequences of their decisions. Doing the right thing will require common sense, foresight, emotional intelligence and courage.
Gerhard Papenfus is the Chief Executive of the National Employers’ Association of South Africa (NEASA).
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