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COVID-19: Amended Regulations Announced: Adjusted Alert Level Two

May 31, 2021


Covid-19: Amended Regulations Announced: Adjusted Alert Level Two

By NEASA Media Department, 31 May 2021.

The President, last night, raised the Covid-19 Alert Level to an adjusted Alert Level 2 with effect from 31 May 2021.

The President has indicated that the following amended regulations remain applicable:

  • all indoor and outdoor gatherings, including religious, political and cultural gatherings are permitted, subject to a maximum of 100 people for indoor gatherings and 250 people for outdoor gatherings, provided that, where the venue is too small to accommodate these numbers with appropriate social distancing, no more than 50% of the venue’s capacity may be occupied, and all social distancing measures are to be observed;
  • travel between provinces is permitted, although discouraged;
  • funerals may only be attended by a maximum of 100 people and services are not to        exceed 2 hours in duration, no vigils are to be held;
  • public recreational spaces such as parks, dams and beaches will remain open,                subject to the rules of mask-wearing and social distancing;
  • business premises must determine the maximum number of employees permitted on      the premises to accommodate a 1.5-meter distance between employees; 
  • curfew has now been set to between 23:00 and 04:00;
  • non-essential businesses including restaurants, shops, bars and gyms must close by      22:00;
  • every person is compelled to wear a mask in a public space. It is a criminal offence,        punishable by a fine or imprisonment, not to do so;
  • The owners and managers of public buildings, centres, shops, restaurants, taxis and      buses all have a responsibility to ensure that people on their premises or in their              vehicles wear masks, and that the appropriate social distancing measures are in            place;
  • if tested positive, or found to have been in contact with another person that tested            positive, a person must self-isolate for 10 days.


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