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Building Industry Bargaining Council: Request For Comments

Feb 7, 2017




Dear Industry Employer

On 8 November 2016, we informed you that the Building Industry Bargaining Council’s (Cape of Good Hope) Main Agreement had lapsed, and that you are therefore not obliged to make any payments to the BIBC, or use the BIBC’s wage tables. In the absence of an agreement being extended by the Minister of Labour to non-parties, the BIBC cannot enforce said agreement on non-parties and the BIBC, since 1 November 2016, therefore has no reason to inspect activities on your premises.

Subsequent to the above, a new agreement has been reached between the MBA and the trade unions, and the BIBC has applied for the Minister of Labour to extend their new agreement to non-parties (non-MBA members).

In keeping with legislative requirements, the Minister of Labour has invited the public to submit their comments on the possible extension of the agreement to non-parties. We therefore call upon you to submit your comments in this regard to on or before close of business on Thursday, 9 February 2017.

NEASA members are welcome to contact out Hotline should they have any questions at 08601 NEASA (63272) or Please have your NEASA membership number available.

If you are not a NEASA member and would like to know more about our services, please send an email to One of our legal advisors will contact you within 1 working day.

Kind regards

Grant Herrmann
Regional Manager: Western Cape


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